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Our mission for the "Sole Mates for Soles in Need" Donation Drive is to collect brand new socks for those in need this winter. Socks are an essential item that provides

much-needed warmth against the coming chill.

We're inviting your school to join us in this effort! Donate new socks and together we can make a difference in the lives of those facing the harsh winter elements.

All collected socks at the SAOU will be distributed to those in need by our partner charity, POPUP.

The SAOU is excited to partner with POPUP Charity to collect new socks for those in need this winter. 


Here's how you and/or your school can participate:


Donate with SAOU: Your school can join our efforts by collecting new socks.

Drop-off options:

  • Deliver donations to your nearest SAOU office or training event held by the SAOU.
  • Contact the SAOU for alternative arrangements.

Donate to your own charity: If your school prefers to support a different local charity, you can absolutely do that! Organise your own sock collection drive and donate directly to your chosen organisation.

We love seeing your sock drive spirit! Share photos of your collection efforts with us and tag us on social media. Don't forget to use the hashtag #SAOUSockDrive


SAOU's Dedication Walk/Run:

We're so passionate about this drive, we're putting our feet where our mouth is! For every pair of socks collected, the SAOU as organition will walk or run one kilometer. That's right, we're aiming to rack up the kilometers from May 27th to 30th, 2024! Follow our social media platforms to cheer us on!


Together, let's warm some toes this winter!

Join the "Sole Mates for Soles in Need" Donation Drive


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